Tag Archives: recovery

Book cover of Diary of a Recovered Bulimic, by Martha M.A memoir interspersed with diary entries, this book spans twenty years. Martha M. is devastated by her parents’ divorce. She starts throwing up her food at age thirteen. When she reaches twenty-six she realises that, if she doesn’t stop now, the ‘well’ part of her life will become a fraction. She starts watching others’ eating patterns to work out a normal relationship to food.

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Book cover of Mealtimes and Milestones, by Constance BarterWritten in diary format, this book tells the story of Constance Barter’s anorexia from the age of thirteen. Constance eats half a yoghurt and a cherry tomato a day, and exercises until she collapses. At age fourteen she spends seven months in hospital, keeping a diary record of her journey to recovery.

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Book cover of Stick Figure: A Diary of My Former Self, by Lori GottliebAlthough it reads like diary entries, only parts of the book are dated, for example ‘Winter 1978.’ At the age of eleven Lori Gottlieb begins a diary. Her first entry proclaims that she wants to be the thinnest girl on the planet and that there is nothing else for a girl to wish for. This is a story of treatment for, and recovery from, anorexia.

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Book cover of Purge: The Rehab Diaries, by Nicole JohnsThis book contains one chapter of selected diary entries. This story, of treatment forĀ EDNOS (Eating Disorder Otherwise Not Specified), is not told in linear time. It includes therapy notes, treatment exercises, and the centre’s rules and regulations. At the age of twenty-three, after nine years of illness, Nicole Johns checks herself into a treatment facility where she spends three months. The author happens to be bisexual, which she barely mentions in the text. She does not consider it an issue nor does she relate her sexuality to her eating disorder.

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